Governor Unveils Washington State Electric Fleet Initiative


While attending the COP21 summit in Paris, Gov. Jay Inslee, D-Wash., announced the Washington State Electric Fleet Initiative to accelerate adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in public and private fleets. Specifically, Inslee says, the initiative aims to ensure at least 20% of all new state passenger vehicle purchases are EVs by 2017.

“I am taking this action today to help fleets scale up their use of EVs and to ‘double down’ on the 10 percent EV fleet target established by the Pacific Coast Collaborative,” the governor says in a statement.

“We won’t defeat climate change unless we use all of the tools we have available – and that includes what we buy in the marketplace for our daily use,” adds Inslee. “All institutions need to focus their procurement policies and practices on low-carbon options, as these investments will save money, protect public health and secure our long-term future.”

According to an announcement, Washington has nearly 13,000 EVs on the road today, and this new initiative is a key step toward meeting the state’s Results Washington goal of putting 50,000 EVs on the road by 2020.

Inslee says the joint public-private fleet procurement of EVs will leverage government procurement power, save taxpayer dollars over time due to lower lifecycle costs and help accelerate EV awareness and adoption throughout Washington state and beyond.

The announcement notes the final term of the state’s current vehicle procurement contract expires Jan. 1, 2017, so there is a unique opportunity over the next weeks and months to shape future outcomes. Washington will solicit proposals from EV manufacturers in early 2016.

The following action steps outline how this joint procurement will be accomplished in short order:

1. Convene a Washington State Electric Fleets Initiative Design Team that includes public- and private-sector members to draft the solicitation, criteria and implementation plans for a new state master contract.

2. Invite other states and public and private fleets to participate in the procurement.

3. Issue a competitive solicitation and review proposals through an independent review panel.

4. Award one or more contracts with a guaranteed minimum purchase commitment.

To read other COP21 announcements that may help boost the alternative fuel vehicle market, click here.


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