At meetings this Thursday and Friday, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will consider proposals related to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption.
On Thursday morning, CARB will decide whether to approve or disapprove – in whole or in part – Electrify America’s proposed Cycle 2 ZEV Investment Plan.
Virginia-based Electrify America is a Volkswagen subsidiary created to help fulfill funding requirements under the automaker’s “Dieselgate” settlement. The company is investing $800 million over 10 years to support the increased adoption of ZEVs in California, and this second cycle of the plan defines investments for July 2019-December 2021, as laid out below:

In addition, on Friday morning, CARB will consider adopting the proposed Innovative Clean Transit (ICT) regulation, which is part of the agency’s strategy to transition California’s heavy-duty mobile source sector to zero- and near-zero-emission solutions. The long-term goal of the ICT initiative is to achieve a completely zero-emissions transit system by the year 2040.
This will be the second of two CARB hearings on this item. At this meeting, the board will consider certifying the final environmental analysis, approving the written response to comments received on the draft environmental analysis and adopting the amendments.
CARB is providing live webcasts of the meetings here.