Wolf Administration Grants $2.1 Million for Clean Fuel Projects


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and his administration have awarded more than $2.1 million in 2019 Alternative Fuel Incentive Grants (AFIGs) to 18 clean fuel vehicle projects statewide that will help improve air quality and public health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to address climate change.

“We’re committed to helping Pennsylvanians breathe cleaner air at school, in their neighborhoods and at their workplaces; and to reducing climate change by putting more cleaner fuel vehicles in use around the state,” says Patrick McDonnell, secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Eighteen vehicle replacement projects, located in 13 counties, will put 82 clean fuel vehicles in use. 

The AFIG program supports replacement of older gasoline- or diesel-fueled vehicles with cleaner fuel vehicles and fueling stations for these vehicles to reduce emissions of harmful pollutants, including carbon monoxide, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide – a principal greenhouse gas. 

Electric, ethanol, biodiesel, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied propane gas and other cleaner fuels are supported. Local governments, schools, businesses and organizations may apply for grants. DEP administers the AFIG Program under the Pennsylvania Alternative Fuels Incentive Act of 2004.

To see a county by bounty breakdown of the 2019 AFIG recipients, click here.  

Photo: DEP’s Residents web page

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