West Virginia Gets Serious About Natural Gas Vehicles And CNG Infrastructure


Thanks to an executive order from Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, West Virginia now has an official Natural Gas Vehicle Task Force that will examine transitioning the state's fleet to natural gas and developing compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling infrastructure.

‘With our state being one of the leading producers of natural gas in the nation, it is important for us to explore the feasibility of using this resource to fuel our state's transportation needs,’ the governor said in a statement.

The task force's main initial objective will be to ascertain the cost savings that government agencies could reap if they converted gasoline or diesel-fueled vehicles to NGVs. The group will also examine the potential for the state to operate pilot public-access CNG stations and investigate partnerships aimed at expanding natural gas fueling infrastructure across West Virginia.

The governor's office notes that private citizens with ‘education, experience or specialized knowledge’ related to alternative fuels, transportation, the natural gas industry or other areas will have the opportunity to serve on the task force.

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