Utility Puts Electric Vehicle Charging Stations To Work


Duke Energy subsidiary Progress Energy Carolinas has installed six Level 2 240 V plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in South Carolina as a part of its commercial charging station research program.

These public-access charging stations will be available free of charge to consumer and fleet EV drivers. The data collected from the stations will enable the utility to evaluate charging patterns and EV charging's effects on the grid, which will ultimately guide the utility's plans as EV adoption rates increase.

‘The adoption of plug-in electric vehicles continues to grow in our communities, and we're committed to helping ensure our infrastructure is ready for their eventual widespread use,’ says Clark Gillespy, Duke Energy's state president for South Carolina.

Progress Energy Carolinas has now installed 36 public-access EV charging stations at commercial and governmental locations. The company will own and maintain all of the charging equipment for the duration of the research project, which ends in April 2013.

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