UPS’ Electric Vehicle Delivery Fleet Comes Online in California


UPS has deployed 100 all-electric vehicles (EVs) that will be used to deliver packages in Sacramento, San Bernardino, Ceres, Fresno and Bakersfield, Calif.

The initiative, which has been bubbling for more than a year, features vehicles built by Electric Vehicles International (EVI) that have a range of up to 75 miles. UPS says these EVs will reduce the consumption of petroleum-based fuel by approximately 126,000 gallons annually.

‘We currently operate more than 2,500 alternative fuel vehicles worldwide, with a variety of hybrid, electric and natural gas technologies, making UPS the leader in logistics sustainability,’ said Myron Gray, president of U.S. operations for UPS. ‘We use our technology and logistics expertise to reduce emissions around the world and help test new automotive technologies.’

This deployment drew from the expertise and assistance of several partners, including the South Coast Air Quality Management District, San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento Air Quality Management District, California Air Resources Board, California Energy Commission, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development.

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