Another Round: ALT Fuels Colorado Grant Offers More Vehicle Funding


The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) has announced the release of the ninth round of applications for the ALT Fuels Colorado (AFC) vehicle grant, offering funding to incentivize the purchase or lease of new original equipment manufacturer, Class 2-8, compressed natural gas (CNG), propane, electric and CNG bi-fuel vehicles.

As reported, eligibility for this grant funding includes public, nonprofit and private fleets domiciled in or near the Colorado ozone non-attainment and/or carbon monoxide maintenance areas and operating predominately in the ozone non-attainment and/or carbon monoxide maintenance area.

Specifically, these areas include Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, parts of Larimer, parts of Weld, parts of El Paso, and parts of Teller counties.

Applications for this round of funding are due March 31, and the application guide, application questions and other grant resources can be downloaded electronically on the ALT Fuels Colorado homepage.

The awardees of the eighth round of the AFC vehicle grant included the following:

  • Allied Waste Transportation (Adams County): 17 CNG refuse vehicles;
  • City of Fort Collins (Larimer County): three CNG pickups, one CNG refuse and five CNG heavy-duty utility vehicles;
  • Waste Management (Arapahoe County): 20 CNG refuse trucks;
  • Weld County Re 10 J (Weld County): two CNG school buses;
  • Western Disposal (Boulder): six CNG refuse trucks and three CNG pickups; and
  • Windsor Charter Academy (Weld County): one CNG school bus.

A total of 58 vehicles and more than $1.2 million in funding were awarded in the eighth round. This brings the AFC program total to over 600 funded vehicles and $8.5 million in awarded funding.

ALT Fuels Colorado is a partnership between the RAQC, the Colorado Energy Office, the Colorado Department of Transportation and Noble Energy.

According to RAQC, the AFC program has helped many public, nonprofit and private fleets in Colorado’s ozone non-attainment area and carbon monoxide maintenance areas to transition their fleets to natural gas and propane vehicles – a critical effort in improving the region’s air quality and expanding the use of domestic energy sources.

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