Toshiba Pushes Super Charge Ion Battery Into The U.S. Market


Toshiba International Corp. has established U.S.-based sales and technical support for its new product, the Super Charge Ion Battery, SCiB. Toshiba says this lithium-based technology reaches 90% of its charge in less than 5 minutes and features a life span exceeding 10 years.

The company adds that the SCiB features minimal capacity loss, even following thousands of rapid charge/discharge cycles, and up to 85% usable capacity without compromising the product's cycle life. The battery's discharge rate is equivalent to that of an ultracapacitor, and it maintains performance at very low temperatues (down to -30 degrees C, Toshiba says.

The SCiB team, headquartered in Houston, will focus on business development activities, battery-pack design, prototyping, assembly, technical support and service. Initial market development will focus on electric vehicles, smart grid/grid storage applications, and wind and solar projects.

Toshiba International: (252) 702-3018

SOURCE: Toshiba

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