State Governors Pool Influence To Promote Natural Gas Vehicles, Fueling Infrastructure


The governors of Pennsylvania, Colorado, Oklahoma and Wyoming have signed a memorandum of understanding to support U.S. auto manufacturers in the development of new natural gas-powered vehicles and to speed the creation of natural gas fueling infrastructure.

The states have agreed to work toward switching their vehicle fleets to natural gas, and they will also develop a joint request for proposals to the auto industry to combine the four states' future vehicle purchases. The idea is that the states will promote cost parity for consumers seeking to purchase natural gas vehicles by aggregating their purchasing power.

‘Natural gas has created tens of thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania and can create hundreds of thousands more in this country once we've developed the right infrastructure,’ said Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said. ‘I am pleased to work with Governors Hickenlooper, Fallin and Mead to improve our nation's energy security.’

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