State-Funded Clean Transportation Center Opens in California


With funding from the California Energy Commission, nonprofit CALSTART has opened the San Joaquin Valley Clean Transportation Center. The new center’s goal is to accelerate the use of clean vehicles and fuels and help the region more quickly meet its air quality targets.

According to CALSTART, the center will provide technical assistance, project development expertise, and support with acquiring funding for San Joaquin Valley vehicle fleet owners, local governments, businesses and residents. Its work will expand the use of zero-emission vehicles, clean trucks and high-efficiency non-road equipment.

“The San Joaquin Valley Clean Transportation Center is part of a larger strategy to address regional clean-air needs across the state,” says Janea A. Scott, commissioner at the California Energy Commission. “The Energy Commission is pleased to provide a $1.2 million grant to fund this center, which will help local residents, governments and businesses collaborate on advanced transportation solutions and accelerate their progress toward meeting the Valley’s clean-air goals.”

Directing the center’s work will be San Joaquin Valley native Joseph Oldham.

After graduating from Fresno State University with a degree in biology, Oldham has held a number of positions relevant to the clean transportation industry. Among others, he was the fleet acquisition supervisor for the City of Fresno, where he oversaw the transition of that fleet from gasoline and diesel to natural gas. Most recently, Oldham served as the statewide local government energy efficiency coordinator for the nonprofit Local Government Commission.

John Boesel, president and CEO of CALSTART, says the group is happy to have Oldham on the team.

“Joseph is a very skilled person who has a solid track record of working with people in industry and government to identify and implement practical solutions that are good for the environment and the economy,”states Boesel.

Key partners assisting the center in its work are the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Southern California Gas Co., the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization, and the San Joaquin Valley Clean Cities Coalition, as well as a broad range of other stakeholders.

Located at the historic Fresno Chandler Executive Airport, the center is ramping up operations in the valley into early 2016. In addition to the California Energy Commission grant, the Southern California Gas Co. provided $200,000 in matching funds to support the center’s mission.

Photo courtesy of CALSTART: Director Joseph Oldham’s Chevrolet Volt in front of the new center.

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