Pennsylvania Extends Alt-Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has announced the continuation of the state's Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program, which provides rebates of up to $2,000 to help Pennsylvanians buy alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs).

‘Alternative energy options are central to making Pennsylvania's environment beautiful and sustainable for years to come,’ says acting DEP Secretary John Quigley. ‘We encourage everyone to consider these renewable and clean technologies.’

According to the DEP, the program was established under Act 178 of 2004 to help reduce Pennsylvania's dependence on imported oil and to improve the environmental quality by using alternative fuels. The agency, which last extended the program at the end of December, will continue to offer rebates for a full range of AFVs. The rebates are funded by the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program, which is supported by a gross receipts tax on utilities.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (EVs) that have battery system capacities equal or greater than 10 kWh – including models such as the Nissan Leaf, Ford Focus, BMW, Tesla and Chevy Volt – are eligible for the highest rebate amount of $2,000.

The DEP is also extending rebates of $1,000 for PHEVs and EVs with battery system capacities of less than 10 kWh, including models such as the Toyota Prius plug-in, Ford C-Max Energi, Ford Fusion and Honda Accord.

Rebates of $1,000 are being extended for natural gas, propane, hydrogen or fuel-cell vehicles, such as the CNG-powered Honda Civic or any 2014-15 CNG-powered car or pickup truck. CNG original equipment, manufacturer retrofits, or certified conversions to CNG or propane are also eligible for the $1,000 rebate. Furthermore, a $500 rebate is available for electric motorcycles and scooters.

The DEP notes there are only a limited number of rebates available at $2,000. The rebate program offered will be reassessed upon payment of the first 250 rebates at $2,000 or Dec. 31, whichever occurs first.

To qualify for rebates, the vehicle must be registered in Pennsylvania, operated primarily in-state, and be purchased no more than six months before the rebate application is submitted.

To apply for a rebate and for more information, click here.

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