OPW Refueling Product Line Expands to Include E85 Ethanol


OPW says it has expanded its portfolio of vapor-recovery equipment to include products that are fully compatible with E85 ethanol refueling infrastructure.

The products, which are now certified against the California Air Resources Board's Phase 1 Enhanced Vapor Recovery standards, are designed specifically to integrate with E85 underground storage tank (UST) apparatus in order to ‘eliminate the risks and material-compatibility concerns associated with E85.’

The storage and distribution of E85 can have adverse effects on UST system components, the company explains. When phase separation occurs, it causes two liquid layers to form in the tank. The lower layer contains water and ethanol, while the upper layer is the petroleum fuel with a small amount of ethanol. Because this blend of ethanol and water increases the risk of corrosion, many traditional materials utilized in the past may not be compatible with E85.

Now, the full range of OPW UST-related products – including overfill prevention valves, drop tubes, fill caps and more – is approved for use with E85.

For more information, click here.

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