New Money Available for SoCal Clean Fleets’ Alternative Fuel Projects


The Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) has announced the availability of $38.5 million in funding aimed specifically at supporting clean vehicle projects in Southern California.

The funds are being channeled into a two-year program that is broken down into five major areas, all of which are concentrated on new or upgraded alternative fuel vehicles, alternative fuel infrastructure and transportation control measures.

The Local Government Match Program is receiving $11 million. Incentives are available for local agencies that use their state funds to fund transportation-related projects that help reduce air pollution, such as the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and buydowns of medium- and heavy-duty alternative fuel vehicles.

The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Program is in line for $7.5 million in support, and this program is specifically aimed at supporting new or expanded refueling facilities for compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and LNG/CNG fuels. Additional funding is offered for facilities that utilize CNG produced from renewable sources and for public-access sites.

Other programs – such as the Transportation Control Measures Program, Off-Road Vehicle Program and On-Road Vehicle Program – have also received funding.

For more information about the program, which will kick off this fall, click HERE.

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