Nebraska Municipal Public Safety Fleet Is Trying Out Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle


The police department in Lincoln, Neb., recently partnered with natural gas utility Black Hills Energy, Fuel Conversion Solutions, Lincoln Composites and Eric's Electric to convert a new Ford Fusion to run on compressed natural gas (CNG).

‘This project is helping us to speed up the greening of our fleet, and that is in the best interests of everyone,’ said Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler. ‘Each step we take toward greener transportation options is another chapter in the story of how our community is working together to creatively meet our future transportation needs.’

The mayor's office says the new Fusion natural gas vehicle will be used for parking-meter enforcement – an application chosen because of such a vehicle's ‘frequent stops and extended idling time.’

In addition to saving approximately $2,000 annually on fuel costs, the city expects maintenance of the NGV to be cheaper and easier, thanks to the cleaner-burning properties of CNG.

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