Money for Clean Transportation Technology Projects Available in N.C.


The N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center has issued a request for proposals to deploy more than $1.3 million in federal funding that is earmarked for emissions-reducing transportation technology projects.

The funding, which is administered through the Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project, is available to various organizations (governmental agencies, businesses and others) for a wide range of potential projects. Previous proposal requests saw more than $3 million distributed among 30 public and private entities for natural gas vehicles and refueling infrastructure; propane refueling equipment and vehicle conversions; electric vehicle charging stations; biodiesel refueling equipment; and other initiatives.

Funding assistance is allocated in the form of a reimbursement, which can cover up to 80% of the project cost. In order to be eligible, a project must reduce transportation-related emissions within eligible North Carolina counties (the 24 counties that do not meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards), with the exception of electric recharging infrastructure, which can be located anywhere within the state.

For more details, click here. Project proposals for this RFP must be submitted by Nov. 3, 2014.

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