Energy Commission Extends Nat-Gas Engine Funding Opportunity


The California Energy Commission (CEC) has extended the application deadline for a $4 million grant funding solicitation for the research and development of natural gas engines for medium- and heavy-duty off-road vehicles, supporting the agricultural, construction, industrial, port and cargo market sectors, according to the official CEC blog.

As reported, applications are now due Monday, Dec. 19.

The energy commission says this solicitation aims to greatly reduce transportation emissions in California’s most severely polluted regions: the San Joaquin Valley and the South Coast air basins. Reportedly, off-road vehicles are the second-largest source of nitrogen oxide emissions in those areas, while on-road heavy-duty vehicles are the largest.

The funding opportunity, which encourages demonstrations in those two locations, covers off-road vehicles commonly employed for heavy hauling, such as those used for waste transport, mining and semi-tractor-trailer applications, as well as items such as yard tractors and cranes found at ports and cargo handling areas.

Worth noting, the CEC has previously supported the research and development of advanced natural gas engine technologies but primarily targeted on-road, heavy-duty vehicles.

Photo courtesy of the California Energy Commission.

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