Dresser-Rand’s Small-Scale LNG Production Technology Making Progress


Dresser-Rand Group Inc., a global equipment provider to the oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries, says it has successfully produced fuel from the company's new small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) production platform, LNGo.

The next step, according to the company, is full performance and endurance testing of the micro-plant, followed by its commercial release. Dresser-Rand says LNGo is designed to yield 6,000 gallons of LNG per day.

‘We are very excited about this technology for small-scale LNG production, which allows for very small standalone plants that are portable and can be moved to support changing requirements and needs,’ remarks Vincent R. Volpe Jr., Dresser­Rand's president and CEO.

Dresser-Rand anticipates that it will provide full turnkey installation and commissioning of LNGo – whether customers buy or lease the equipment – as well as handle operations, monitoring and maintenance.

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