DOE Funding Development Of Renewable Bio-Oils For Transportation Fuels


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is investing up to $15 million to support research and development of biomass-based oil supplements that can be blended with petroleum to create renewable transportation fuels.

The DOE says it will provide funds backing five to 10 projects this year, each of which must focus on creating bio-oil prototypes that can integrate into the oil-refining process for making gasoline, diesel or jet fuels without requiring modifications to existing fuel-distribution networks or engines. The prototype bio-oils may be produced from different feedstocks, such as wheat, algae and corn.

‘Driving innovation through targeted investments helps to speed development of next-generation biofuels made in America – biofuels that will help to protect American families and businesses from the ups and downs of the global oil market,’ said Energy Secretary Steven Chu in a statement.

U.S.-based companies, universities and laboratories are eligible to apply for the funds. More information can be found HERE.

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