DOE Aims Fresh Funding At Alternative Fuel Vehicle Market Obstacles


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) says up to $5 million is being made available this year to support the deployment of more alternative fuel vehicles by helping to streamline permitting processes, train vehicle technicians and expand fueling infrastructure.

The DOE says the funding is not for the purchase or installation of vehicles or infrastructure. Rather, the money is being mobilized to bolster the support structure for alternative fuel vehicles – mainly, a skilled workforce and an informed public.

The solicitation reflects feedback from DOE Clean Cities participants, which have found a number of substantial obstacles that need to be overcome in order to put more alternative fuel vehicles on U.S. roads. Key among these obstacles are inadequate training for vehicle technicians, first responders fleet managers and other stakeholders; disparate policies at the regional, state and local levels; and disjointed efforts related to overall market development.

The projects that will receive funding – between 10 and 20 this year, the DOE says – can focus on supporting the market for any of a number of fuel types, including natural gas, hydrogen, propane, ethanol and biodiesel. Projects related to electric vehicles are also eligible.

More information is available HERE.

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