Connecticut Launches Electric Vehicle Rebate Program


Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, D-Conn., has announced the Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate Program (CHEAPR).

Under this new initiative, a cash rebate of up to $3,000 is now available for Connecticut residents, businesses and municipalities that purchase or lease an eligible electric vehicle (EV). EVs covered by CHEAPR include battery electric, fuel cell and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
‘This rebate puts money right back in people's pockets and makes the cost of purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle competitive with the price of a conventional car,’ says Malloy. ‘Putting more Connecticut drivers behind the wheel of an EV is what it will take to drive down harmful carbon emissions linked to climate change, reduce conventional pollutants that threaten our air quality and public health, and help motorists reduce the cost of owning and operating a car.’
Rebates offered through CHEAPR are on a sliding scale, with the maximum $3,000 amount for those who purchase or lease an EV with the greatest battery capacity. Rebates of $1,500 and $750 will be provided for EVs that travel shorter distances on battery power.Â

Funds for the CHEAPR pilot program, which is being administered through the EVConnecticut program, come from $1 million that was made available to the state as a result of an agreement that allowed for the merger of Northeast Utilities and NSTAR. The merger of those companies, now known as Eversource Energy, was completed in April 2012.
CHEAPR rebates will be available until the $1 million in funding is distributed to consumers. If additional funding becomes available, the program may be extended. Full details of the program are available at

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