CNG cylinders international Has a New Line-Up of Type 1 CNG Tanks


CNG cylinders international Inc. says it is now offering a new line of Type 1 compressed natural gas (CNG) tanks from Czech manufacturer Vitkovice Cylinders through an exclusive distribution agreement.

The company notes that the tanks, which are made from billet and not tube, are lighter than their Type 1 predecessors and have been tested and certified to NGV2-2007 standards. Vitkovice manufactures the tanks using a backward-extrusion production process that can fabricate cylinders up to 14.17 inches in diameter.

CNG cylinders international is offering five different tank sizes, from a 50-liter 4.5 GGE/4.0 DGE product to a 126-liter 11.3 GGE/10.1 DGE tank. Service pressure on all the tanks is 3,600 psi.

The company's Randolf Wollgiehn ( says tank prices start at around $350.

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