California Clean Vehicle Bill Signed Into Law


Last week, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation creating the California Clean Truck, Bus and Off-Road Vehicle and Equipment Technology Program: a new initiative that will help fund the development of low- and no-emission transportation technologies.

The bill that was signed into law – S.B.1204, authored by state Sen. Ricardo Lara – is wide in scope but squarely focused on the next generation of medium- and heavy-duty truck and bus applications, including those for vocational, short- and long-haul trucks.

The projects that will be eligible for funding (at levels that are, as yet, not determined) include those aimed at the development, demonstration, pilot-testing and early commercial deployment of ‘zero- and near-zero emission’ technologies, defined as ‘vehicles, fuels, and related technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality when compared with conventional or fully commercialized alternatives.’

The program will also provide funding for purchase incentives – including at the point of sale – for truck, bus and off-road vehicle and equipment technologies and fueling infrastructure ‘to support early market deployments of alternative technologies and to increase manufacturer volumes and accelerate market acceptance.’

‘The focus of this funding must be on transformative, advanced technology trucks and buses,’ the governor wrote in a letter to the state senate.

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