CA Regulator Lays Out Alt-Fuel Investment Plan


The California Energy Commission (CEC) has unanimously adopted an update to the investment plan for the state's Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, which is designed to increase the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles.

For 2012-2013, approximately $100 million will be put to work, the CEC says. The investment will provide a ‘crucial jump-start by filling the gaps by funding the differential cost of developing and deploying emerging fuels and vehicle technologies.’

The plan includes the following allocations:

  • $20 million to help develop and produce biofuels, including gasoline and diesel substitutes, and biomethane
  • $11 million for hydrogen fuel-cell stations
  • $7.5 million for charging options for full-electric and plug-in electric vehicles
  • $3 million for other fueling infrastructure, including $1.5 million for E85 fuel and $1.5 million for natural gas
  • $25 million for incentives for alternative fuel vehicles and for the development of vehicles that use advanced technology (including $12 million for natural gas vehicles and $2 million for propane vehicles)
  • $5 million for light-duty plug-in electric vehicles
  • $6 million for demonstration projects for medium- and heavy-duty advanced vehicle technology
  • $5 million for ’emerging opportunities…not specifically tied to any single fuel or type of technology’
  • $20 million for manufacturing facilities, equipment and working capital
  • $2.5 million for workforce development and training agreements
  • $3 million for regional alternative fuel readiness and planning
  • $3 million for collaborative work in existing and new centers for alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology

The update covers the fourth year of the program, which has already invested more than $200 million in various projects. These projects have drawn about $375.5 million in outside contributions, including more than $105 million through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009.

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