Black Hills Energy Seeing Solid Fleet Interest In NGVs


Kansas-based natural gas utility Black Hills Energy recently wrapped up a workshop dedicated to natural gas vehicles (NGVs), and the consensus garnered from the meeting is that there is ‘growing interest from municipal and private fleet operators in this proven technology.’

‘From an economic and environmental standpoint, the benefits of natural gas as a vehicle fuel grow more enticing every day,’ says Black Hills Energy's Tim Hess, whose group is responsible for providing customers – mainly fleets – with information about conversions to NGVs.

‘Black Hills Energy continues to find receptive audiences as the company provides facts and information supporting clean, abundant, reliable natural gas as the greener alternative to gasoline and diesel for fueling commercial fleets, whether school buses or sanitation trucks – all while cutting fuel costs,’ a company statement reads.

Black Hills Energy is encouraging both government and private fleet operators to contact Hess at or (316) 941-1653 if they have inquiries about natural gas fueling infrastructure, NGVs or related areas.

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