Utility Bullish on NGVs Following ‘Significant’ Savings During Pilot Program


Bonita Springs Utilities Inc., which provides municipal water and waste-water services in Bonita Springs, Fla., is ready to take on a larger complement of natural gas vehicles in its fleet.

NGT News first covered the organization's intention to pilot-test compressed natural gas (CNG) back in early 2012. At that time, the utility spent approximately $40,000 to convert four light-duty work trucks to CNG, and the company also installed time-fill CNG refueling equipment. Two additional NGVs were brought online in the following months.

Bonita Springs Utilities says the pilot was ‘successful enough’ to spur a commitment to add four more NGVs in the near term and upgrade its fueling infrastructure to accommodate up to 35 CNG vehicles.

‘The program resulted in significant reductions in fuel and maintenance costs and emissions into the environment,’ according to the company.

The four new NGVs will put the organization's existing CNG refueling equipment at its maximum capacity, necessitating an infrastructure upgrade to handle more NGVs.

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