U.S. Gain Supplies SEA Fleet with RNG


U.S. Gain, a company that specializes in the development, procurement and distribution of natural gas, has completed a renewable natural gas (RNG) supply agreement with the Port of Seattle. RNG will be used to heat Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) and power its fleet of buses.

“We’re proud to assist the Port of Seattle in meeting its 2030 carbon reduction goals well ahead of schedule. RNG is widely used by fleets across market sectors to reduce transportation-related emissions,” says Bryan Nudelbacher, director of RNG business development at U.S. Gain.

RNG is produced from methane captured during the decomposition of organic materials at agricultural farms, landfills and wastewater treatment plants, then cleaned and conditioned to meet pipeline standards and injected into existing natural gas distribution pipelines. 

RNG presents several benefits to organizations seeking emission reductions throughout their operations. It can be used as an alternative fuel to reduce scope 1 and/or 3 emissions, but also as a thermal energy solution to reduce heating and cooling-related scope 2 emissions.

“RNG can be procured through contracts with suppliers like U.S. Gain and comes without the need for infrastructure upgrades, features uninterrupted supply unlike other renewables and availability is increasing daily as new development projects come online,” adds Nudelbacher.

Photo: The Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

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