Truck Manufacturers Urge Regulatory Harmony Across Continents


Heavy-duty commercial truck and engine manufacturers from across the globe have called for further regulatory cooperation among European, North American and Japanese regulators in order to improve efficiency and reduce fuel consumption associated with on-road freight transport.

The chief executives of more than 10 global truck and engine manufacturers recently met in Brussels to discuss issues facing their industry, including fuel efficiency improvements, reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions, safety, diesel fuel specifications, and issues related to heavy-duty engine and vehicle regulation and certification. They also explored the potential of intelligent transport systems to further reduce emissions and improve road transport.

The meeting was chaired by Martin Lundstedt, president and CEO of Volvo Group and chairman of the commercial vehicle board of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association. This was the chief executives’ 13th meeting to discuss global issues facing commercial vehicle manufacturers and recommend solutions to these critical challenges. Also attending this meeting were delegates of the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association and the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.

“Heavy-duty engine and vehicle manufacturers are making clear progress in exhaust emission reductions and fuel efficiency improvements with sustained efforts,” says Lundstedt. “Accelerating efforts aimed at harmonization of test procedures and standards are needed to further advance the global objective of greenhouse-gas reductions. The chief executives also agreed on the need to further develop active safety measures as well as the need to explore the benefits of intelligent transport systems. The best approach to reach this objective is for governments and industry to work together.”

By unifying regulatory reforms across Europe, North America and Japan, heavy-duty truck and engine manufacturers will be better able to focus talents and resources on making major advances in fuel efficiency and emissions reductions, rather than dividing its resources in an attempt to comply with different standards in different markets.

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