Texas Drilling Company Switches from Diesel to Natural Gas


Halcon Resources Corp., an independent energy company focused on the acquisition, production, exploration and development of onshore oil and natural gas properties in the U.S., has commissioned its first compressed natural gas (CNG) facility through its subsidiary Hawk Clean Fuels.

This CNG facility, serving the company's operations in its 101,000-net-acre El Halcon area in East Texas, is being used to displace diesel fuel used in drilling operations.

Halcon says that the switch should save the company nearly 50% on fuel costs and will reduce emissions in the area. The company expects to build similar facilities to service its operations in the Williston Basin area in 2015.

‘El Halcon has been a tremendous success for our company and others in the area, and we are always looking for new ways to lower completed well costs,” says Floyd C. Wilson, chairman and CEO. “Natural gas fueling is certainly a step in the right direction and can also be applied to our operations in other areas.’

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