Virginia-based Richmond International Airport (RIC) has launched nine new compressed natural gas (CNG) EasyPark shuttle buses. Operated by Standard Parking, the shuttles transport passengers between the airport terminal and RIC's Economy Parking facilities.
In addition to the new fleet, a CNG fueling station was built on airport property to fuel the vehicles. Acquisition of the shuttles and the construction of CNG infrastructure were made possible by a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program grant supported by the Richmond Metropolitan Planning Organization.
‘We're very pleased, after more than five years of planning, to bring the new CNG shuttles online,’ says Jon E. Mathiasen, airport president and CEO. ‘It is estimated that the use of replacing diesels with a CNG shuttle fleet will reduce volatile organic compounds emissions by 89 percent and nitrogen oxide emissions by 95 percent. Overall, fleet tailpipe emissions will be reduced by more than 20 tons per year.”