Report Expects Growth in Alternative Powertrain Sales for MHDVs


Alternative powertrain sales for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) are expected to grow from about 347,000 vehicles in 2016 to more than 820,000 in 2026, according to Navigant Research.

The report, which examines the market for technologies to improve efficiency and reduce emissions from MHDVs, with global market forecasts for annual sales of alternative powertrains, states that medium- and heavy-duty trucks in the U.S. use more than one-quarter of all fuel burned annually.

As economies grow, the truck population is expected to increase, and commercial and government fleet operators around the world are expected to consider investments in fuel efficiency technologies and alternative clean-burning fuels.

“Cleaner and more efficient vehicles will become increasingly important as legislators set tougher standards for emissions,” says David Alexander, senior research analyst with Navigant Research. “Electric drive is the right solution for some vehicle types and uses, but fleet managers can also choose from a variety of driver aids to optimize the efficiency and safety of all their vehicles.”

Aerodynamic aids, low rolling resistance tires, plus vehicle lightweighting and improvements to engines and transmissions in new vehicles are some of the options that will help to deliver better MHDV fuel efficiency and cleaner emissions, according to the report.

In addition, natural gas, hybrid and electric powertrains are expected to see significant growth over the next decade.

The report, Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Technologies, breaks the global commercial MHDV market into four major categories: medium-duty buses, heavy-duty buses, medium-duty trucks and heavy-duty trucks. Global market forecasts for annual powertrain sales, segmented by region and type, extend through 2026.

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