Penn State Deploys Natural Gas Vehicles in University Fleet


The transportation services department at Pennsylvania State University has acquired its first complement of natural gas vehicles (NGVs): a trio of Honda Civics that run on compressed natural gas (CNG).

The university will use the NGVs to support its parking-enforcement efforts. These three Civics join Penn State's existing portfolio of NGVs, which includes 58 CNG-powered vehicles that are used in the school's Office of Physical Plant (OPP).

‘With an existing compressed natural gas infrastructure and pumps already in place at our OPP fueling station, and with the vehicles only being used on campus, Innovation Park, and other nearby campus properties, this was the perfect application and opportunity to use them,’ says Ryan Givens, assistant director of Penn State's transportation services division.

‘We can use CNG vehicles about eight to 10 years, which is longer than the typical use of non-CNG fleet vehicles,’ he adds.

Photo courtesy of Penn State

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