Omnitek Signs Agreement To Convert Diesels To Natural Gas


Omnitek Engineering Corp. says it has entered into an agreement with a large U.S.-based refuse-collection company to convert 21 diesel trucks to run on compressed natural gas (CNG). Omnitek specializes in developing and selling natural gas engines and natural gas conversion systems.

The company notes that the agreement is a part of an ‘experimental permit’ issued by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to ‘validate the durability of components and collect performance and emissions data.’ The permit pilot program is designed to accelerate the CARB and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency certification processes.

‘The value proposition of Omnitek's conversion technology is particularly appealing to fleet operators since diesel engines have an estimated life span of more than 20 years, and conversions can be completed during regularly scheduled engine overhauls at a cost significantly less than the purchase of new natural gas trucks,’ says Werner Funk, president and CEO of Omnitek.

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