NGVAmerica Preparing Extensive NGV Market Analysis


NGVAmerica says it has wrapped up its 2013 survey of OEMs and vehicle modifiers, which questioned these companies about natural gas vehicle (NGV) and natural gas engine sales. The preliminary analysis of data collected from 25 respondents suggests that overall NGV sales grew 10.3% last year, according to NGVAmerica.

The group notes that it is currently ‘aggregating and analyzing that data to glean useful market metrics and trends that the industry and policy makers may use in their future planning.’ However, NGVAmerica has already issued a few highlights:

  • In 2013, approximately 19,250 ‘new’ NGVs were sold, comprising approximately 6,400 retrofits/repowers and about 12,850 OEM vehicles.
  • Of that 2013 total, about 10,425 were light-duty vehicles, 1,450 were medium-duty and 7,375 were heavy duty.
  • Based on fuel-use estimates by vehicle type, overall transportation natural gas use increased an estimated 14.3% over 2012 to approximately 400 million GGE.

NGVAmerica says it plans on publishing a more detailed analysis soon, to be distributed to members. More details are available here.

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