N.C. Hydrogen Fuel Company Tapped for California Port Initiative


OneH2 Inc., a North Carolina-based hydrogen fuel production company with facilities in California, has been selected to supply zero-emission hydrogen for a fleet of fuel cell electric trucks to be operated at the Ports of Los Angeles and San Diego.

The fleet of on-road heavy-duty trucks has been funded through a California Air Resources Board (CARB) grant with $6.8 million of matched funds from CARB and the technology partners.

OneH2’s role is to provide both mobile and fixed hydrogen infrastructure to allow truck refueling, as well as the necessary hydrogen fuel to power the fleet. The annual greenhouse-gas emission reductions that are associated with the project are expected to be 77 metric tons per truck annually.

One of the main objectives of the project – known as the Fast Track Fuel Cell Truck Project – is to provide both the State of California and commercial enterprises with performance data in order to assess the overall benefit of the operation of hydrogen-powered trucks under real-world conditions. OneH2 says it is confident that with scale, hydrogen fuel can challenge diesel under a true operating cost scenario.

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Leroy Essel
Leroy Essel
6 years ago

Let’s watch New Brunswick Power in Canada that expanded “Hydrogen 2.0” 14 month old partnership with US mature start-up Joi Scientific at SLSL facility in Florida. Keep in mind MarineMax that will demonstrate how raw seawater safely store’s highly competitive hydrogen fuel inside raw seawater. In France the company called Naturegie has also licensed the hydrogen breakthrough worth investigating for California as well.