Liquid Autogas Consortium Launched to Boost Fleet Propane Adoption


The Liquid Autogas Consortium has been launched to help bolster the adoption of propane autogas by fleets across North America. Founding members include ICOM North America LLC, a Michigan-based manufacturer of propane autogas vehicle system technologies, and Imega International USA.

Fleets are invited to join the consortium at no cost. Propane fuel supply partners, propane equipment manufacturers, OEM propane vehicle manufacturers and dealers (including small engine), and propane vehicle installation and service centers are invited to join on a modest fee basis.

According to ICOM North America, the Liquid Autogas Consortium's major objectives are to increase the number of propane autogas vehicles, whether OEM or conversions, across North America and to provide the Liquid Autogas Consortium propane fueling partners with the tools to increase gallons.

The Liquid Autogas Consortium will utilize a multi-prong strategy and aim to provide one-stop-shopping and a seamless transition as much as practical for fleets. That includes education for fleets on the benefits of autogas; relevant training; quality EPA-approved propane systems for vehicles; financing; vehicle service; vehicle dealer support; propane fueling stations; small propane engine systems; and support and fuel pricing through the Liquid Autogas Consortium's partners.

For more information, email or call (248) 573-4934.

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