RNG Provided Over Half of On-Road Fuel Used in Natural Gas Vehicles


NGVAmerica and the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG Coalition) say 53% of all on-road fuel used in natural gas vehicles in 2020 was renewable natural gas (RNG).  

Captured above ground from organic material in agricultural, wastewater, landfill or food waste, RNG can produce carbon-negative results when fueling on-road vehicles like short- and long-haul trucks, transit buses, and refuse and recycling collection vehicles. The California Air Resources Board’s Q3 2020 data confirms that the energy weighted carbon intensity (CI) value of California’s RNG vehicle fuel portfolio in its Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program is carbon-negative and below zero, at -17.95 gCO2e/MJ.

RNG use as a transportation fuel grew 25% over 2019 volumes, increasing 267% over the last five years. NGVAmerica and the RNG Coalition report that in 2020, a total of 646 million gallons (GGE) of natural gas were used as motor fuel. Of that, 345 million gallons (GGE) were from renewable sources.

“If we are going to have a meaningful and immediate impact on climate change and clean our urban air, we need cleaner trucks and buses on our roadways now,” says Dan Gage, president of NGVAmerica. “RNG-fueled vehicles are the most immediate and cost-effective heavy-duty option when seeking to combat climate change and clean our air. RNG fueled vehicles provide a proven and scalable net carbon negative, zero-emission equivalent solution for commercial deployment today.”

NGVAmerica is a national organization of roughly 200 companies, environmental groups and government organizations dedicated to the development of a sustainable market for vehicles powered by natural gas or biomethane. RNG Coalition is a North American organization representing 230 companies, municipalities, universities and environmental and non-profit organizations that are dedicated to the advancement of RNG.

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