Hopium Debuts Rolling Prototype of Machina Hydrogen-Powered Sedan


Hopium, a French manufacturer of hydrogen-powered sedans, unveiled its first rolling prototype during the Viva Technology event in Paris this week.

Announced in October 2020 and produced in the Linas-Montlhéry test workshop, the vehicle – called Alpha 0 – certifies the reliability of the company’s fuel cell system. After the design and architecture phases, followed by the implementation of the various components within the vehicle, the prototype was able to be evaluated and perfected through bench and track tests.

With a speed of 200 km/h (124 mph), this test version already borders on the performance promised by the Hopium Machina in its final form.

The company says it has opened an order book for the first 1,000 numbered units of the Hopium Machina, whose reservation price is set at 410 euros, in reference to the spectral line of hydrogen.

Hopium is aiming to produce the Machina on a commercial scale in the first quarter of 2022.

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