Hexagon Purus Signs Deal to Deliver Hydrogen Fuel Storage Systems for Buses


Hexagon Purus has signed an exclusive long-term supply agreement (LTA) with a European bus OEM. Under this agreement, Hexagon Purus will supply hydrogen storage systems for the OEM’s next generation two-axle (12 meter) and articulated (18 meter) fuel cell bus offerings. This OEM has been a long-standing customer of Hexagon Purus. Deliveries under the LTA will take place between 2021 and 2024 with an estimated sales value of approximately EUR 30 million (including some deliveries already made in 2021).

The hydrogen storage systems will be supplied from Hexagon Purus’ facility in Kassel, Germany, and will include Hexagon Purus’ lightweight type 4 cylinders, enabling a driving range of 350 kilometers.

“This agreement showcases the close collaboration with our long-standing customer. We both share a common vision and a common interest – to drive zero emission mobility,” says Michael Kleschinski, EVP at Hexagon Purus. “We are happy that a growing number of countries are eyeing hydrogen technology, which is a superb, green solution to decarbonize public transportation”.

“We now see the adoption of zero emission mobility solutions accelerating,” states Morten Holum, of Hexagon Purus. “As more European countries and cities announce strategic policies to promote the decarbonization of mobility, more commercial vehicles—especially city buses—will be rapidly transitioned.”

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