Fuel-Cell-Powered Bus Comes Online In California


BAE Systems, ElDorado National and Ballard Power Systems say they have successfully deployed a zero-emissions, fuel-cell-powered bus for SunLine Transit Agency in Palm Springs, Calif.

The vehicle uses a Ballard FCvelocity-HD6 fuel-cell module to provide primary power, in combination with BAE's propulsion and power management systems, to propel the 40-foot ElDorado transit bus. SunLine will operate the bus in California's Coachella Valley.

The bus was developed under the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) National Fuel Cell Bus Program, which facilitates the development of commercially viable fuel-cell bus technologies and related infrastructure for deployment in revenue service. CALSTART administered the FTA project, and cost-share funds were also provided by the California Air Resources Board and South Coast Air Quality Management District.

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