Finland Service Provider Switches to 100% Biogas with New Order


Nordic biogas supplier Gasum reports that Niemi Services, a Finnish service provider in moving and logistics, is renewing its fleet and ordering 15 biogas-fueled vehicles.

According to Gasum, the vehicles will be in three size categories – from cars used for minor installation jobs to large 18-ton moving trucks. Using 100% renewable natural gas, Niemi Services asserts it is the first in Finland to offer clean biogas vehicles that are environmentally sound.

”As the market leader, we wish to act as a forerunner and lead the way for other enterprises in our sector. We monitor the key environmental impacts of our work and develop our operations in accordance with the principle of continuous improvement to minimize any environmental burden caused by us,” says Juha Niemi, director of Niemi Services. “We’re now able to offer our customers ecological and cleaner moves as the first company in Finland. We’re also planning to increase the number of gas-fueled vehicles in the future as the distribution networks expand.”

This news comes closely on the heels of Gasum’s announcement to open 16 new filling stations in Finland that will offer compressed bio/natural gas and/or liquefied natural gas, based on demand at each station. Located on central sites in urban areas or at transport nodes, these stations will serve both passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles. Further, the company claims it will construct a total of 35 new natural gas filling stations over the next 10 years.

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