Finkenauer Introduces Bill to Expand Biofuels Market


Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer (IA-01) has introduced the Clean Fuels Deployment Act of 2020. The bipartisan legislation, co-sponsored by Representatives Angie Craig (D-MN), Don Bacon (R-NE) and Roger Marshall (R-KS), would provide funding for installing and converting fuel pump infrastructure to deliver higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel.

The bill authorizes $500 million over five years to help retailers offer higher ethanol blends, expand the geographic area selling ethanol blends, support biodiesel, bioheat and sustainable aviation fuel markets, and accelerate the deployment of fueling infrastructure. Given recent uncertainties in the renewable fuels industry, it is more important than ever to fund infrastructure improvements and remove market barriers to accessing clean and renewable fuels.

“The time is now to further diversify our fuel supply and move more biofuels into the market. Biofuels offer a proven path to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonizing the transportation sector, driving economic growth and creating jobs,” says Finkenauer. 

“I’m grateful to have bipartisan support from Representatives Bacon, Craig and Marshall. Cleaner fuels are good for our economy and our environment, and we’re going to keep fighting for them,” she adds.

In addition to supporting the distribution of higher ethanol and biodiesel blends at fueling stations, the program could also be used to enhance pipelines and terminals to blend and carry ethanol and biodiesel. Funding from the clean fuels grant program could be used to incentivize the deployment of ethanol and biodiesel fueling infrastructure and convert existing infrastructure to deliver ethanol blends greater than 10% and biodiesel blends greater than 20%.

“The renewable fuels industry is facing the worst crisis in its history today as a result of COVID-19, and producers across the nation are in need of immediate emergency relief to survive this catastrophe,” says Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association.

“Once the pandemic is behind us and economic recovery is well underway, expanding infrastructure for higher biofuel blends will be critical to the long-term future of the renewable fuels industry and the rural U.S. We thank Representatives Finkenauer, Marshall, Craig and Bacon for their vision and we applaud their efforts to create a brighter future for biofuels,” he adds.

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