DOE: Phase I Release 2 Topics Include Fuel Cell, EV Battery Tech


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the 2017 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I Release 2 topics, including three subtopics focused on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and four vehicle topics focused on electric drive.

According to the DOE, the fuel cell subtopics include innovative materials for bipolar plates, liquid organic hydrogen carriers and emergency hydrogen refuelers.

As reported, the four vehicle subtopics include electric-drive vehicle batteries; SiC device qualification for electric-drive vehicle power electronics; fuel efficiency improvement technologies for conventional stoichiometric gasoline direct injection multi-cylinder internal combustion engines; and wide-range, high-boost turbocharging systems.

Further, the DOE notes that the scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a patented catalyst that can reliably and economically eliminate more than 90% of the nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel-fueled engines. There is a potentially large pool of customers for this technology, given the 11 million diesel engines currently on the road. This technology is currently available for licensing.

The SBIR office is hosting a webinar to discuss FY17 Phase I Release 2 Topics today from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST.

Click here to read more on the topics.

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