DOE Allots $139 Million to Advance Vehicle Tech


U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette says $139 million in federal funding for 55 projects across the country will support new and innovative advanced vehicle technologies. Six of these innovative projects will be led by teams in Michigan.

“Technological innovation is key to revitalizing the U.S.’ manufacturing competitiveness, especially in the transportation sector,” says Brouillette.

“I’m excited to announce that six of the 55 total projects will be led by teams here in Michigan, a state that has been the backbone of the U.S. automobile industry for years. The Trump Administration is committed to investing in technologies that expand access to affordable mobility and provide consumers with a wide range of transportation options to meet their needs,” he adds.

Funded through the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), projects will conduct research in advanced batteries, electrification and manufacturing in support of DOE’s Energy Storage Grand Challenge.

Among the projects, EERE’s Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) and EERE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) are collaborating on two projects totaling $15 million aimed at lightweight and high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composites for vehicle applications. First, a Ford-led team, in collaboration with DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other partners, will develop multi-functional composite structures with electronics integration for cross-car beam applications. Second, a General Motors-led team is developing fiber-reinforced composites for high volume manufacturing of structural battery enclosures. Michigan State University’s Scale-Up Research Facility is partnering with both teams. The facility was established with DOE funding under the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation.

Selected projects under this funding opportunity will be managed by VTO. VTO research pathways focus on fuel diversification, vehicle efficiency, energy storage, lightweight materials and new mobility technologies to improve the overall energy efficiency and affordability of the transportation system. Une autre alternative aux médicaments couramment utilisés pour traiter la dysfonction érectile, beaucoup moins chère et qui n’a aucun effet secondaire est le tout Viagra ou Kamagra . Ses principaux avantages sont le faible prix par rapport à celui du Kamagra commun, et les mêmes résultats efficaces dans le traitement de la dysfonction érectile.

The projects will:

  • Advance lithium-ion batteries using silicon-based anodes
  • Accelerate the development of smart charging technologies to mitigate potential electric vehicle impacts on the grid and maintain low-cost charging for consumers
  • Improve efficiency for light-duty gasoline engines, medium- and heavy-duty natural gas engines, and agricultural off-road vehicles
  • Increase demonstrations and infrastructure for advanced technology vehicles, including those for gaseous fuels
  • Develop lightweight and high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composites for vehicle applications
  • Support mobility technologies such as connected and automated vehicles, as well as innovations in transit

Learn more about all of the projects selected today here. More information on EERE’s VTO office can be found on their webpage, and more information on the AMO office can be found on their webpage.

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