Advanced Transportation Sector Supports 200,000 U.S. Jobs


Based on data from a federal report showing that the U.S. now employs more than 3 million workers in the clean energy sector, the Department of Energy (DOE) says that advanced transportation – including hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles – now supports 200,000 more jobs in the U.S.

According to the DOE’s U.S. Energy and Employment Report, the 3 million U.S. jobs in clean energy include the following:

  • Nearly 2.2 million workers making buildings, appliances and other products more energy-efficient;
  • More than 600,000 workers involved with clean power generation, including biomass, biogas, fuel cells, geothermal, hydropower, nuclear, natural gas, solar, waste-to-energy and wind;
  • 100,000 workers in advanced grid technologies, including energy storage, and another 100,000 workers in biofuels; and
  • Advanced transportation, including hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles, supporting 200,000 more jobs.

The DOE says these jobs are made possible by the growth of markets for clean energy products and services in this country. According to Advanced Energy Economy’s Advanced Energy Now 2016 Market Report, total U.S. revenue from the wide range of advanced energy goods and services was $200 billion in 2015 – more than pharmaceutical manufacturing in this country.

“The contributions of clean energy jobs to the country’s economy are significant and expanding,” says Lisa Jacobson, president of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy. “The trend lines are clear: Energy efficiency, natural gas and renewable energy are creating well-paying jobs and benefiting American consumers, American businesses and American manufacturers. And that adds up to one conclusion: Clean energy wins for America.”

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