Department Of Energy Lab Teams With Algae Oil Developer


OriginOil Inc., a developer in the global algae oil industry, has announced a new research agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory (INL), under which the two parties will collaborate to establish industry standards for algal biomass and work toward making algal biofuels a competitive alternative to petroleum.

OriginOil says it will provide INL with its proprietary Single Step Extraction technology and contribute its knowledge of how to stimulate oil production and pre-treat for consistent extraction of the algae and its co-products.

In turn, OriginOil says it expects to benefit from INL's scientific and engineering expertise and its large Process Demonstration Facility, which boasts advanced biofuels-processing capabilities and equipment, including biochemical, thermochemical and other downstream conversion technologies.

A primary effort of the collaboration will be to integrate algae with terrestrial biomass sources to achieve large-scale biofuels production, OriginOil notes.

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