Compressed Natural Gas Refueling Station Will Accompany N.J. Facility Upgrades


Covanta Energy Corp., a company focused on infrastructure solutions for waste disposal and the conversion of waste to energy, has solidified plans to upgrade the Essex County Resource Recovery Facility in Newark, N.J., including the construction of a compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling station on site.

Through a contract from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Covanta will partner with Clean Energy Fuels Corp. to install two fast-fill CNG dispensers with two fueling points each, the company tells NGT News. The contract was originally announced last August.

According to the company, municipal and private waste haulers that come to the Essex County facility – along with other authorized users – will be able to use the CNG station. The site is not public-access.

‘Our goal is to make fueling with CNG convenient for our customers, as they'll be coming here anyway, with the goal of seeing many of the fleets that utilize our services converting to CNG over time,’ says Covanta's James Regan.

The company notes that the power that will run the CNG compressors will come from Covanta's own waste-to-energy facility.

‘So, the trash that is being delivered is processed into electricity needed to power the CNG station for the waste trucks that deliver that trash,’ he remarks.

The CNG station is scheduled to be open and operating by the end of this year.

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