Chart Industries, Matrix Service Sign MOU for Hydrogen Development


Chart Industries Inc., a diversified global manufacturer of highly engineered equipment for the clean energy industry, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Matrix Service Co. for the development of standardized hydrogen solutions in North America, including hydrogen liquefaction plants and fueling stations. 

Matrix Service is a contractor to the energy and industrial markets across North America. Through its subsidiaries, Matrix provides engineering, procurement, fabrication and construction, as well as maintenance and products to the energy and industrial markets.

The MOU builds upon the hydrogen strategy of both companies to continue to expand commercial arrangements, relationships and geographic diversity, thereby utilizing Chart’s hydrogen equipment and liquefaction offerings by the producers and end-users of hydrogen.

“The combination of Chart equipment and process with the knowledge Matrix brings in process integration, design, fabrication, construction and installation to create a cost-effective solution for the North American hydrogen market, in particular for customers wanting a standardized solution,” says Jill Evanko, president and CEO of Chart. “Matrix also brings access to larger-scale commercial opportunities for Chart equipment in North America.”

Chart and Matrix are working to provide more cost-competitive and scalable ways to increase hydrogen as a key part of the clean energy transition, drawing on their respective expertise in the technology and EPFC in cryogenic storage tanks and terminals. This MOU furthers that effort by having a standardized, price-competitive offering for the turnkey design, equipment supply and construction that would have been handled by subcontractors in North America.

When executing under the MOU, Chart and Matrix will provide design, equipment and installation. Chart’s included standard hydrogen offering in the MOU ranges from liquefaction process and equipment to storage vessels to truck loading to vacuum insulated piping, and plant controls while Matrix provides process integration and facility design, as well as all the installation including storage spheres, site civil work, mechanical equipment, piping systems, electrical power, control, substation and distribution.

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