CEC Approves More Grants for Alternative Fuel Projects


The California Energy Commission (CEC) has approved yet another round of grants under its Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVTP).

According to the CEC, its ARFVTP provides as much as $100 million annually toward innovative transportation and fuel technologies that help California meet its energy, clean-air and climate-change goals. This latest round of funding totals about $4.1 million and includes the following:

– $2.4 million for the South Coast Air Quality Management District to build and test seven hybrid fuel-cell, freight-size trucks to transport cargo at the Long Beach and Los Angeles ports;

 – $1.2 million to expand testing of the entire plug-in electric vehicle fleet at Los Angeles Air Force Base and upgrade software to determine if vehicle-to-grid technology can be applied to larger fleets and to vehicles at homes; and

– $500,000 for advanced vehicle technology apprenticeship training through California Community Colleges and the California Employment Development Department, with emphasis on veterans and disadvantaged residents.

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