Capital to Be Mobilized in Canada for Natural Gas Technologies


A group of cleantech and natural gas stakeholders will be rolling out a new funding initiative in Canada aimed at opening up opportunities for the development of natural gas technologies for transportation applications.

The SD Natural Gas Fund, spearheaded by the Canadian government, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the Canadian Gas Association, will target downstream natural gas sectors such as industrial, power generation and renewable natural gas, in addition to transportation. The fund will emphasize projects and products that stand to improve natural gas engines' efficiency, emissions and cost.

The fund will be open for applications twice annually, and the funding level is currently being pegged at up to $15 million over three years. Matching funds will come from Canadian Gas Association members through the Energy Technology Innovation Canada Initiative, for a combined funding level of up to $30 million.

For more information, visit the SDTC's site, here.

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