California City Keeps Building Natural Gas Vehicle Fleet


The City of Redlands, Calif., recently added to its natural-gas-powered solid-waste fleet with the deployment of two side loaders that run on liquefied natural gas (LNG).

This pair of heavy-duty vehicles joins an extensive existing fleet of natural gas vehicles in the city's refuse department. Nearly three-quarters of Redlands' solid-waste haulers run on either LNG or compressed natural gas (CNG).

The two side loaders were acquired with the assistance of a grant from the state's Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) program, which provides up to $30,000 per vehicle. The city began working with the MSRC last February, and plans call for another three heavy-duty alt-fuel vehicles to come online through the program in the next year.

Redlands operates its own LNG/CNG refueling station at its corporate yard at 1270 W. Park Ave. This public-access facility has been in operation since 2003.

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